If you are on this page chances are you want to know who we are and why we are here. And, perhaps how we got here and what we can do for you.
Sounds like a lot to expect from one page doesn’t it? Well here goes…
Who we are
Pick Cloud was founded by Mark Pick, who comes with almost a lifetime of experience in the MultiValue arena. Pick whose name is synonymous with MultiValue thanks to his father Dick Pick, who is widely credited as a founding father of MultiValue software, is commonly recognized as an expert in the Pick arena.
Why we are
One of the reasons we went into the cloud business is we saw that clients were spending thousands of dollars in advance for a server and configuration they thought they would need in the future when they could have been spending a fraction of the cost for what they needed right now. The great thing about the cloud is that you can increase resources quickly when you need them and reduce them when you don’t. AND you are only paying for what you use when you use it.
How we got here
We heart MultiValue and were so confident that the cloud was a perfect fit that Pick Cloud was founded. We also want to preserve and rejuvenate MultiValue since it is near and dear to our hearts.
Our focus has been MultiValue and cloud since day 1. We believe cloud and software as a service are the way forward for MultiValue and have modeled our whole business around it. We have and always will be in the cloud business. Cloud is literally in our name.
Want to try it for yourself? We offer 15-day FREE trials with no credit card or commitment required. Click here to start your journey to the cloud!
Mission Statement – Our goal is to position Pick Cloud, Inc. as the leading database Cloud provider (DbaaS) for the MultiValue market and to be the trusted partner to the MultiValue community IT decision makers. All this being achieved while preserving and rejuvenating MultiValue applications through smarter processes and more efficient technology.